February 06, 2015

Join Us on the AIDS Walk on March 8


CLICK HERE to join or support the team: http://www.aidshelp.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.team&teamID=5657 

Sunday, March 8th
Sam Houston Park - Downtown
12 PM - Registration
1 PM - Walk Begins
2 PM - Festival

This year, the Columbia University Club of South Texas is sponsoring a team for AIDS Walk Houston! There are currently 1.2 million Americans living with HIV/AIDS, and almost 1 in 7 individuals are unaware of their infection. In Houston alone, 1,200 individuals are infected with HIV yearly, a number that must change. It is our goal to help drive these statistics to zero: zero new infections, zero stigma, and zero deaths from HIV/AIDS.

Please support the Columbia Club of South Texas AIDS Walk Team - you can "Join Our Team" to walk with us on March 8th, joining other Columbia alumni on the day-of and walking together to show our support for a great cause. You can also "Support Us" virtually through online contributions to the team. It is our goal to raise $1,200 for AIDS Walk Houston, representing the 1,200 new HIV infections in Houston every year. 100% of contributions to AIDS Walk Houston benefit various AIDS-service organizations in the Houston community.

If you have any questions about AIDS Walk, including joining or donating to the team, please contact our Team Captain, Elizabeth Young at [email protected]. It is our hope one day HIV/AIDS is no longer in our world, and that you can join the Columbia University Club of South Texas in this fight.

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